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“Pinchas son of Elazar son of Aharon the Kohain” (25:11)

              Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky asks, "Granted, the people derided Pinchas. They said that his action was very ironic considering that his maternal ancestors used to worship idols.  Therefore, says Rashi, the Torah counters the snide remark by including the lineage of Pinchas on his father's side. How, though, does this serve to silence the slanderers and discredit their claim?"      
                  We can explain that the people were claiming that Pinchas’ action was not motivated for the sake of heaven. His seemingly righteous zeal was rather a function of the angry blood that ran in veins from his mother's side. Because of his lineage, they said, he had a natural tendency towards anger. In fact, they were claiming, this tendency might have been strengthened by his lineage from his father's side, as our Sages teach (Bava Basra 160b), "Kohanim are very particular and are quick to anger." Accordingly, the people said that when Pinchas slayed Zimri, it was akin to murder.
                   Therefore, the Torah points out that he was descended from Aharon the Kohain – who "loved peace and constantly pursued it, and had tremendous fondness for people." On the contrary, Pinchas by nature was repelled by violence, and was a very loving person! Thus, there was not even a trace of natural anger in what he did. Rather, his positive character traits motivated him – particularly his great love for his fellow Jews.


Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Jonathan Horowitz


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784